Environmental Report

We recognise that all businesses are under commercial and environmental pressure to deliver cost effective and sustainable solutions that make a positive contribution to the environment.

Vaculug’s full life policy enables you to achieve these objectives in a managed and controlled manner.

In 2021, by purchasing Vaculug retreads, %customer% saved the following resources:

Oil %oiltotal%
Rubber %oiltotal%
CO2 %oiltotal%
Steel %oiltotal%
Managing fleet tyres the sustainable way


We here at Vaculug recognise that all businesses are under commercial and environmental pressure to deliver cost effective solutions that make a positive contribution to the environment.

Vaculug’s full life policy enables you to achieve these objectives in a managed and controlled manner.

Remoulds Fitted Remoulds Fitted Remoulds Fitted Remoulds Fitted
Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Policy

Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Policy Vaculug Limited regards the Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality responsibilities of the Company and those who may be affected by its activities as being of prime importance.

The Company is committed to:
• Providing customers with a first class retread product and service manufactured in a safe and efficient manner.
• The continuous improvement of our Management Systems, performance and products.
• The protection of the Environment, the prevention of pollution and environmental impacts related to our business.

Communication, participation and consultation with Vaculug Limited Team Members

The Company maintains and audits a management system that provides the framework to:
• Eliminate hazards reduce, and control the risks arising from our work.
• Provide team members with information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that they are competent to fulfil their roles.
• Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work related injury or ill health.
• Meet and, where possible, exceed regulatory, legislative and compliance obligations.
• Enhance the Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality performance of the business.
• Set, monitor and review targets, objectives, performance and improvement opportunities on a regular basis.
• Minimise waste, recycle where possible and make efficient use of energy and other important resources.
• Maintain the standards required by ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001.

This policy is supported by Risk Assessments, Environmental Aspects, Technical Schedules and additional policies that apply to all Company activities.

All team members are required to:
• Take reasonable care of themselves and others.
• To cooperate with Vaculug Limited Tyres in assisting them to fulfil their statutory duties and achieve the Company’s safety, quality and environmental standards.

All Team Members are made aware of this policy through Induction, Training and Display.
The Managing Director has overall responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of our Management Systems.

Did you
know ?
Vaculug Ltd have pledged to
become a net zero company by 2030


Our professional repair service covers all sizes of commercial vehicle tyres and following a careful examination, we carry out repairs in line with BS AU 159f.

We also repair off-the-road tyres.

We take a worn tyre of good structural integrity, completely renewing the tread and sidewall rubber of the tyre.

There are 6 key stages to our retreading process:

Initial Inspection, Buffing, Preparation, Building, Curing and Final Inspection.

We perform 8 quality checks to ensure the rebuilt tyre has no defects and is fully fit for service. Our retread tyres are produced to ECE109 standards which is the same as with new tyres.

Our professional repair service covers all sizes of commercial vehicle tyres and following a careful examination, we carry out repairs in line with BS AU 159f.

We also repair off-the-road tyres.


Vaculug work with Murfitts Industries, the UK’s largest tyre recycling operation, to ensure that 100% of every truck tyre is repurposed. Combining the savings we make through recycling and what we save through our retreading process we have acheived the following savings:

4,099,000 kilograms of rubber

1,483,420 kilograms steel

9,499,260 kilograms of CO2

5,562,825 kilograms of oil

5,562,825 kilograms of oil


We here at Vaculug are very proud of our products, service and history.

We have been an integral part of the circular economy for over 70 years and the concept of Repair Reuse Recycle is at the heart of everything we do.

However, we also recognise that we constantly need to be looking at ways to help reduce the environmental impact of everything we do. So as well as the environmental savings inherent in a remoulded tyre, we consider all aspects of our environmental footprint, from reductions in fuel usage to product developments, such as the World’s first A-rated retread tyre.

We thank you for choosing to use Vaculug products and we look forward to continuing to be an important part of the circular economy with you.


We are delighted to be taking the lead in being the first UK tyre retreader to pledge to become net zero by 2030.

We here at Vaculug are very proud of our products, service and history.

We have been an integral part of the circular economy for over 70 years and the concept of Repair Reuse Recycle is at the heart of everything we do.

However, we also recognise that we constantly need to be looking at ways to help reduce the environmental impact of everything we do. So as well as the environmental savings inherent in a remoulded tyre, we consider all aspects of our environmental footprint, from reductions in fuel usage to product developments, such as the World’s first A-rated retread tyre.

We thank you for choosing to use Vaculug products and we look forward to continuing to be an important part of the circular economy with you.

Did you know ?

Vaculug Ltd have pledged to



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Tel: 01476 593 095 Email: info@vaculug.com

Managing Fleet trres the sustainable way