OC Supreme $13,521.25
OC Oakridge $14,424.35
  OC Duration $14,809.80
Name: Tina Thomason
Address: 705 Pryor Street West, Athens, AL
Estimates valid for 30 days from date of estimate / A 50% deposit is required to proceed with the delivery of materials for a scheduled installation.
Other Offers
Long Term - 4132 Plan
Description Qty Unit price Line total Est. Payment
Platinum Warranty - Covers 50 years material, labor, workmanship 1 $1,920.00 $1,920.00 $27.54/mo
  Would you like to be added to our yearly exterior maintenance program (gutter cleaning, reseal, etc)? 1 $249.00 $249.00 $3.57/mo
  Would you like a certified professional to speak with you about your Insulation? (No cost, no obligation) $0.00/mo
Final Price $14,424.35
Customer Comments / Notes
Tina Thomason: Manually Signed
Date: 7/24/2024