Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Effective and Efficient Engagement Models
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been
the industry's standard dummy text
The scope of the project is precisely defined
Changes in SOW are treated with separate estimation and prior budget approval
The project is devoid of external dependencies and follows straightforward timelines
Fixed Cost Model
The scope of the project is precisely defined
Changes in SOW are treated with separate
estimation and prior budget approval
The project is devoid of external dependencies and follows straightforward timelines
The customer is billed on pre-defined milestones
Involves the technology that is fairly relevant in the market
Ideal for one-off projects that are required by the end customers
Dedicated Resource Hiring
The scope of the project is non-decided and efforts are difficult to measure
Involves emerging technology and long term engagement
Projects with open-ended SOW that require iterative development Flexibility to change team
size based on project requirements
Involves parallel development of hardware and software or development teams
Suits for Proof of Concept based projects and billing is at fixed price
Hourly/Time And Material
Project scope is partially clear and efforts cannot be estimated
Involves evolving concepts and frequently changing parameters
Nature of work is intermittent in nature
Projects that require incremental development
Suitable for support and maintenance of small to mid-sized applications
Billing is charged based on the actual amount of time and efforts spent