Travel insurance

Private insurances

Safe travels in your next trip in the coming year

Be safe on your next trip with travel insurance and avoid unforeseen costs that can occur while abroad.

What is covered under Travel insurance:

Most travel insurance plans cover medical emergencies, medical evacuation, trip cancellation, trip interruptions and luggage related issues.

If you purchase a more comprehensive travel insurance plan, you might also be able to get coverage for the following items:

  • Rental car damage
  • Personal money & travel documents
  • Personal liability
  • Trip curtailment
  • Trauma counselling

Some countries like USA, Switzerland etc. require you, depending which passport you have, to take out travel insurance that includes medical expenses before they will issue a visa for your trip

Talk to us to get a quote on travel insurance to ensure you are well covered for your next trip.


Travel Insurance Quote

For more information about Private Medical Insurances please get in touch.

Reliable. Professional. Fast.