Many employers of a domestic worker in Hong Kong believe that the main beneficiary of the policy is their helper. While it is true that the Domestic Helper often can claim for Medical expenses like Doctor visits and emergency dental treatment and these medical treatment do contribute to the wellbeing of Helper. But when you look closely to the Benefit schedule of a Domestic Helper insurance then you can notice some hints that the Domestic Helper is not main person to be protected on the policy.
Insured values
The first hint is the insured values that you see in the Benefit schedule. The biggest limit you will notice is the Employees’ Compensation Insurance with a limit of HKD100,000,000 per event. Under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and Common Law, Employers are mandated to buy Employees’ Compensation Insurance for the Employee (read: your Helper). Compare it to the limits covered for medical expenses, General Practitioner visits is covered in the range of HKD200 per visit it’s a stark difference.

Free Medical Treatment
When your domestic worker becomes ill in Hong Kong, you as the employer have the legal responsibility to pay for the workers treatment whether you can reclaim it from insurance or not. So essentially the Medical expenses benefits on the policy benefits you as an employer. The insurance policy is specifically protecting the interest of the employer and while your domestic workers also benefits that is merely a plus point.
Fidelity cover
The last hint we give you is also the most awkward cover on the policy as it protects the employer against loss caused by dishonest acts by the helper. This surely does not sound like something that benefits the domestic worker right? While these fidelity claims are very rare, the fact that they exist and many domestic helper insurance policy have such a cover does give away who the main object of protection actually is: the employer.
For more information about Domestic Helper Insurance or getting a quote visit our Domestic Helper Insurance page